Consented - the new podcast by Usercentrics

Google's EU user consent policy - what has changed and what does it mean for advertisers?

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Information about Google Consent Mode

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In the second episode of Usercentrics Podcast, DWC will appear as an exclusive guest along with BigID, to explain the significant changes implied by the new Google policies. The discussion offers deep insights into the effects these innovations have on online marketing and presents practical recommendations that advertisers can use to effectively adapt to the upcoming changes.

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Starting from March 6, 2024, the use of Google Consent Mode V2 becomes mandatory for all businesses that rely on Google services like Google Analytics and Google Ads. Learn more about the impacts and prepare yourself in time – all the details and in-depth insights can be found here: Google Consent Mode V2.

New EU Directive Requires Action

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) of the European Union obligates companies such as Google to revise their data collection practices for services like Google Ads and Google Analytics. It is crucial that your company also responds accordingly and makes the necessary adjustments. Please note that the deadline for implementing these changes is to be met by March 6.

The contents of the podcast episode

In this episode, you will learn more about the updates to Google's EU User Consent Policy and what impact these will have on advertisers:

  • What is Google's EU User Consent Policy?
  • What impact does Google's EU User Consent Policy have for advertisers?
  • Basic vs. advanced features of Google's Consent Mode
  • Steps for successful navigation through Google's requirements

Who the episode is suitable for

This webinar will be beneficial for organizations that collect and manage user data for business purposes. The key insights are particularly relevant for:

  • Companies that use Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform, and Google Analytics
  • Companies that collect user data from websites for marketing purposes
  • Companies that need to comply with local privacy laws and are looking for professional tools and strategies to achieve compliance
  • Digital marketers aiming at optimizing data visibility and improving performance-based data marketing

Meet the experts

Foto Eike Paulat

Eike Paulat - Product Director, Usercentrics GmbH

Eike Paulat is based in Denmark and is the Product Director at Usercentrics. As a passionate product leader focused on customer-centric innovations, he has been a trailblazing pioneer in the privacy technology market. He is also Usercentrics' main contact for integrations with Google services and developments in the field of data protection.
Foto Felipe Iregui

Felipe Iregui - Global Director of Platform Partnerships, Usercentrics GmbH

Felipe brings over 10 years of experience in leading technology companies and has in-depth knowledge of developing widespread technologies. Currently, he heads the Platform Partnerships team at Usercentrics, promoting a privacy-focused digital ecosystem. He has previously worked at Google and co-founded two start-ups. He is committed to data protection while simultaneously fostering business growth.
Foto Julian Hicks

Julian Hicks - Director of Privacy Solutions, BigID

Julian has several years of experience in privacy and compliance, with solutions that support privacy professionals in their daily operational requirements. He has been with BigID for two years in a globally focused role, concentrating on the wide range of privacy applications that BigID brings to the market.
Foto Max Lucas

Max Lucas - Senior Consultant & Managing Director, DWC

As a Senior Consultant and Managing Director at DWC, Max supports companies in implementing, optimizing, and maintaining Usercentrics CMP (Consent Management Platform) and web analytics software. DWC is an agency that specializes in consent and data management.

Review of Google Consent Mode Setup

Have your website legally reviewed for compliance

If you are unsure whether Google Consent Mode V2 is being correctly deployed on your website or if it meets legal requirements, our expert check is available to you. We offer you a thorough review and ensure that your implementation of Google Consent Mode V2 is not only technically flawless but also fully compliant with the law.

Conversion-Modellierung EN-1

Advantage: Conversion Modeling

Benefit from privacy-compliant tracking even without consent with Google Consent Mode V2

Conversion modeling uses artificial intelligence (AI) to gain customer information even when users decline the setting of cookies or when they are blocked by the user's browser. This is because non-personally identifiable information is still collected without consent and merged with the data from users who have given consent. With this method, you can gain valuable insights that would otherwise be inaccessible, and effectively utilize this information for your advertising campaigns.

Your advantages include:

 Closing data gaps through estimation
 Improved performance through targeted advertising campaigns
 Increased ROI through effective allocation of advertising budgets
 Privacy-compliant data collection and optimized tracking

Your Questions, Our Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Google Consent Mode?

Google Consent Mode is an API that allows website owners to manage user consent preferences for analytics and advertising cookies while ensuring that websites still receive critical information for ad measurement even without using cookies.

What's new in Google Consent Mode V2?

Compared to the first version, version 2 of Google Consent Mode allows for even more precise control over user behavior regarding consent to different types of cookies and offers improved features for data protection compliance.

How does Google Consent Mode work?

The Consent Mode manages consent signals for user consent or rejection of cookies used for analysis or advertising purposes. These signals are then passed on to Google services such as Google Analytics and Google Ads to control data collection and advertising behavior accordingly.

How do I integrate Google Consent Mode V2 on my website?

You can integrate Google Consent Mode V2 on your website by implementing the corresponding JavaScript code into your pages. Detailed instructions for this can be found in the Google developer documentation or through service providers who specialize in data protection compliance.

Do I need additional plugins or tools to use Google Consent Mode V2?

No, additional plugins or tools are not required for the basic integration of Consent Mode. However, Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) can simplify and automate the process of obtaining and managing user consents.

Can Google Consent Mode be used with tracking tools other than Google Analytics or Google Ads?

Yes, Consent Mode can be configured to be compatible with third-party tracking tools, provided these tools can respect and process the appropriate consent signals.

What happens if a user refuses consent to cookies?

If a user refuses consent to cookies, the Consent Mode adjusts data processing and user tracking to respect the user's privacy. In this case, personal data is usually not collected.