Universal Consent & Preference Management

Optimize your Customer Engagement through effective Preference Management

Increase customer engagement through efficient preference management, actively collect zero-party data and adapt your approach through targeted personalization. Maximize customer loyalty and satisfaction through the privacy-compliant use of voluntary data and use our expertise to implement an optimal consent and preference management system that supports your marketing goals.

Optimize your Customer Engagement through effective Preference Management

Check gelb  Create unique customer experiences with customized offers that are specifically tailored to your customers' needs.

Check gelb Increase your conversion rate by targeting your customers based on detailed knowledge of their preferences.

Check gelb  Build strong customer relationships by fostering trust and transparency, leading to deeper customer loyalty.

Increase user loyalty through interactive interfaces and personalized content strategies

Preference Management serves as a central preference center and effective database for consent and user preferences. Users can specify their marketing and contact preferences, such as communication frequency and type. This enables them to actively shape their interactions with companies, which strengthens trust. Companies also benefit by being able to personalize and target their communications such as emails and offers. Users enjoy the freedom to decide how they receive information, leading to better understanding and improved customer relationships.

Increase user loyalty through interactive interfaces and personalized content strategies

Increase user loyalty through interactive interfaces and personalized content strategies

Customers prefer a personalized approach. Develop customized, dynamic interfaces that encourage users to interact and provide information throughout their visit. By gradually creating and improving user profiles, you can use personalized content in a targeted manner and strengthen customer loyalty in the long term. Provide your customers with transparency about their personal data and meet their preferences consistently across all touchpoints to ensure a consistently personalized and satisfying experience.

Increase user loyalty through interactive interfaces and personalized content strategies

höhere Opt-In Rate


higher opt-in rate

niedrigere Abmelderate


lower unsubscribe rate

höherer Customer Lifetime Value-1


higher Customer Lifetime Value

niedrigere Kosten für Kundengewinnung-1


lower customer acquisition costs

Contact us for a non-binding initial consultation.

Usercentrics Preference Manager: Centralizing consent and preferences

The Preference Manager from Usercentrics offers a holistic solution for managing customer data and preferences on a single platform. As a certified Premium & Expert Partner of Usercentrics, we guarantee seamless integration of this software into your existing technology stack. Benefit from a central database that can be easily connected to your preferred marketing tools and other systems. We not only ensure optimal configuration of your systems, but also precise compliance with all relevant data protection requirements.

Advantages of the Usercentrics PMP:

  • Granular overview: get detailed insights into customer preferences and permissions.
  • Centralized dashboard: Use an intuitive dashboard with multiple access for comprehensive, cross-functional control.
  • Exportable data: Integrate data effortlessly into existing systems and processes.
  • Flexible integration: Benefit from two-way integration through REST APIs.
  • Seamless combination: Effective combination of Consent Management Platform (CMP) and Preference Management Platform (PMP).
Usercentrics Preference Manager: Centralizing consent and preferences

Use consent strategically to gain a competitive advantage and streamline your marketing processes

Optimize your marketing strategy by leveraging zero-party data that provides deep insights into user behavior and preferences. View consent as an opportunity to improve your opt-in/opt-out processes and gain a competitive advantage. Simplify your marketing processes by centrally managing permissions and preferences through a unified interface, improving efficiency and user experience. Use these advantages to position yourself successfully in the data-driven market.

Use consent strategically to gain a competitive advantage and streamline your marketing processes

Experience the benefits of preference management

Advanced data collection and analysis

Advanced data collection and analysis techniques enable companies to make precise predictions about which products or services will be particularly well received by certain customer segments. This leads to more effective and cost-efficient marketing strategies.

Targeted Personalization

By offering customized experiences, companies strengthen customer loyalty and satisfaction. This increases the conversion rate and leads to higher sales figures.

Easy Segmentation

Effective segmentation significantly improves the relevance of marketing campaigns. It minimizes wastage and increases response rates for marketing measures.

Centralized preference management: Increased efficiency through seamless data integration

Integrate customer data and preferences centrally with advanced preference management software. This makes it possible to maintain a clear overview and manage data efficiently without manual links between different tools and a complex IT infrastructure. The software we offer supports seamless synchronization of customer preferences across different channels, improves data consistency and optimizes the user experience through personalized customer interactions. Companies benefit from simplified data integration that enables quick adjustments to customer preferences and supports their effective management.

Centralized preference management: Increased efficiency through seamless data integration

The perfect symbiosis: data protection meets customer experience

In today's business world, complying with strict data protection regulations is just as important as building a deep understanding of the customer to create excellent user experiences. Against the backdrop of increasing data protection concerns, the legal and technical requirements for data management and use are also constantly changing. Usercentrics, with its leading Consent Management Platform (CMP) and Preference Management, is at the forefront of this development. By integrating both technologies, we enable valuable insights that would otherwise remain inaccessible. Our customized implementation of these systems in your IT infrastructure promotes targeted marketing, increases conversion rates and optimizes the customer experience.

Our services for seamless integration

Analyzing the current state

Before effective preference management can be implemented, a thorough inventory of your current data collection and management systems is crucial. In this phase, we carefully analyze your processes and identify areas for improvement and aspects of your privacy practices and customer interaction strategies that need to be optimized. This comprehensive analysis forms the foundation for the development of a customized preference management solution that is tailored to the specific needs of your business.

Analyzing the current state


Based on a careful analysis of the current situation, we develop a customized Preference Management configuration for your company. This phase includes the design of an intuitive user interface and the definition of functionalities that allow your customers to manage their preferences in a clear and straightforward way. We ensure that the solution is not only user-friendly, but also compliant with all legal requirements and effectively supports your business objectives.



The final phase of the process is the implementation of the configured solution. Here we seamlessly integrate the preference management system into your existing IT structures. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption. After implementation, we conduct extensive testing to verify the functionality and effectiveness of the system. Finally, we train your team on how to use the new system, ensuring that you realize the full potential of your new preference management solution.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Preference Management and Consent Management?

A preference management platform optimizes the user experience by tailoring communications, offers, and other interactions to users' specific preferences. This fosters customer loyalty and increases user satisfaction, which can lead to higher conversion rates. Consent management, on the other hand, involves obtaining user consent for the use of third-party cookies and trackers that collect and process users' personal information online.

Can I integrate data from Consent Management and Preference Management?

By using both Consent Management and Preference Management solutions simultaneously, you can integrate user data into a central preference management portal. This creates a single hub where users have a comprehensive view and access to their consents and preferences, giving them full control over their data. To comply with regulatory requirements, users of the Usercentrics system need to integrate their preference management portal with their existing systems by consolidating data sets. This promotes transparency, user control and privacy compliance.

Can Preference Management be deployed across multiple technology platforms?

Yes, Preference Management solutions are designed to be deployed across multiple technology platforms. This allows for consistent collection and management of user preferences across websites, mobile applications, and other digital interfaces.

What is the value of combining Consent Management and Preference Management?

The combination of Consent Management and Preference Management provides organizations with a comprehensive solution for efficient data management and privacy compliance. Users benefit from centralized control of their data preferences and privacy settings, which improves the user experience, builds trust, and increases transparency. Businesses benefit by simplifying complex data management processes, ensuring data privacy compliance, and developing targeted marketing strategies. By taking user preferences seriously, companies can reduce the risk of data breaches while increasing customer loyalty by making customers feel valued and encouraging long-term relationships.

Is preference management really that effective?

Preference management software offers many benefits to companies by enabling personalized customer experiences and improving data handling.

By understanding individual customer preferences, companies can offer customized services that go beyond generic approaches and reach even smaller customer segments. These systems store data securely and scalably, allow for easy data maintenance, and integrate with other systems.

Customers can manage and update their own data, improving accuracy and reducing the workload on companies. Customers have become more aware of and expect more from the use of their data, and they expect companies to use this information to precisely tailor communication channels and offers. More channels of communication between customers and brands also provide the opportunity to increase customer loyalty through consistent and relevant communication, while achieving the highest ROI.

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Your customized data strategy starts here

Want to learn how to maximize customer loyalty through effective preference management? Sign up for a complimentary initial consultation! Our team of experts looks forward to working with you to develop a customized solution that optimizes your customer engagement. Start your journey to better customer relationships and marketing today.


+49 40 33463437


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